Friday, May 16, 2008

Start somewhere

So I have a lot of unimportant thing's I want to talk to people about sometimes and most of the time there is no one to talk to. I also think of a lot of things I would like to write down but I usually am laying in bed. I'm going to try and transition to writing on the computer, as opposed to my analogue methods of using a pen and paper, because though I enjoy that more I can get my thoughts out a lot faster typing. It is sad that I can type so much faster than I can write. I started working nights again at CVS and tonight was unsettling? The first thing that happened was like fifteen minutes after being there a girl, probably in high school or college comes up and I say the usual "Hey, how's it going?" and she's like "not so good, how about you." I respond "I work nights at CVS, that should sum it up." Normally I don't really notice or give a fuck about customers but this chick seemed upset and more then that she was one of the .10 percent of customers who actually treat you like a human being and don't just make fucking small talk. So I asked her what was up. She said something about her dad hit her mom in the face or knocked her over, i can't remember, but anyways that he knocked her teeth out and that she wasn't going to be able to see her dad again and that her mom was a drunk, or something. I didn't really know what to say, not because I don't know this person, but because I never know what to say to anyone when they lay shit like that on me. So I just said "I'm really sorry." And she said something else about she had a test tomorrow and she hadn't studied. I don't know, I just felt a lot of empathy for her situation. Then some lady came in and wanted to use our phone, she looked like she could have been fucked up, i don't know. But she was on the phone for like 30 minutes with her husband about some person ripping her off at wal-mart and she told me way more then i ever cared to know about the situation. So she finally leaves after getting off the phone and babbling to me about, as if i care. So then like an hour later I go outside and have a cigarette and all of a sudden someone starts talking to me. It's the same fucking lady, sitting in her truck. I don't even remember what she talked to me about but I honestly tried to act like I was interested. So I go back in and its like around midnight by this point. Around 1 the lady comes back in the store and completely ignores me and Nick, the guy I am working with. Anyways she was in there until 6:30, when she finally checked out. She didn't buy that much stuff. To make the whole thing even weirder there was another lady who came in around midnight or a little after and she came to check out the exact same time the first lady was. They had apparently talked for at least a while and the first lady thought she had left. This second lady, who was in the store for 6 hours had a cart packed full of random ass shit. I was on the third bag of stuff when she asked for me to scan her fucking cvs card and total it. At that point the basket was only like half full and she made me void a couple of things, because she apparently thought it was going to be a lot cheaper and had only 120.00 exactly. I don't know, it just is really weird to me that two people can be in a store shopping for that long and that aside from the above mentioned speaking with of the first lady, neither of them even acknowledged mine or Nick's presence. So anyways, around 5:00 to guys came in, their 18-wheeler had cut off when they stopped at the light getting off 5-26. They wanted to know if anyone had jumper cables. Eventually I remembered I did and I was like "can my battery even do anything for yours" and they said it could. So I drive into the oncoming lane of 5-26 after everyone passes do a u-turn and pull up on the trucks right side. The guy tells me the battery is on the other side so I reverse behind the truck after everyone passes me again and get to the other side. Apparently, rigs run on 4 regular sized car batteries all connected. He said it would take like 10 minutes. So we hooked up the cables and waited. Finally, after 10 minutes the guy unhooks it and tries. He gets it started but it cuts off as soon as he lets off the gas, he tried again and the same thing happened. The whole experience took like 30 minutes and eventually i told them i had to get back to work, i was still on the clock, and gave them my cables. No one fucking stopped to help them and around 6:30 cops came and when I was leaving at 7:15 they had finally gotten a tow truck to unhook the rig from its container tow it and get a new rig hooked to the container to move it. It just kind of upset me because I always had this smoky and the bandit view of truckers, i thought they were all about unity and helping each other out. I guess not. Then there was just some weird shit. Like the back gate was open and it looked like someone had beaten the latch off from the inside and the lift was like halfway off the ground. And then someone right after I had put new bags in the outside trash cans had moved them the next time I came out, like 15 minutes later. They had just moved them all like 4 feet in front of where they were and there were randomly 2 shopping carts even though I had scene none in the parking lot earlier in the night. I don't know. The night shift is an adventure in the twilight zones a lot of times. It doesn't sound like much if you were there you would know how insane and nonsensical it seemed. And now I need to try and sleep even though it is the day time and I really don't want to, because I serve the vampires of this stupid fucking town.

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